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The Complete Forex Solution
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Currency Exchanges / Forex Travelers Card / Travellers Cheque
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Successfull Forex Trading

Forex Travel Cards

Whether it's a family trip or a short getaway anywhere in the world, our foreign exchange solutions are designed to best address your needs.

The pre-paid foreign currency card, is the safest and smartest way to carry your forex.


  • Withdraw cash at ATMs : Withdraw cash at over 1 million VISA / MasterCard ATMs worldwide.
  • Easy Shopping : Shop directly at over 25 million VISA / MasterCard Electron Merchant Outlets.
  • Shop Online : Shop online across 1 million overseas e-commerce websites.
  • Best Exchange Rates : Best exchange rates as compared to cash and travellers cheques. Also, the exchange rates are locked at the time of purchase itself!
  • Secure : 4-digit PIN helps secure ATM transactions in addition to signature-based security at outlets. A 24-hour call centre support further enhances security.
  • Encash balances : Encash any unutilised balances at any Axis Bank branch upon your return to India.
  • Availability : Available in USD, GBP, EUR, AUD, CAD, JPY, SGD, SEK, CHF, AED and SAR on VISA & MasterCard platforms.